CCDI was established on the ground that people’s involvement in all levels of government decision making is essential. The organisation is committed to combating corruption; promotion of enduring democracy; sustainable electoral process; monitoring of Nigerian government compliance with international treaties, which are made to promote peace and progress within and among Nations…
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Our Mission
The Centre for Convention on Democratic Integrity Ltd/ Gte, a non- profit organisation registered in Nigeria is guided by the principles of justice and equity in partnership with Rights Monitoring Group on a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering, seeks to enhance sustainable development in sub sahara Africa.

100 years of Palestinian nationalism
During my undergraduate days at the University of Lagos, I read a book titled From Beirut to...
In 2018,the CCDI-Nigeria and CCDI lnc,Maryland United States officials visit oil producing areas in Delta State
In 2018,the CCDI-Nigeria and CCDI lnc,Maryland United States officials visit oil producing areas...
Marking the World Environmental Day in 2019
Marking the World Environmental Day in 2019,the CCDI -Nigeria embarked on bottles plastic...